Thursday, March 17, 2011

Semakin Jauh Dari Allah Semakin Dekat Dengan Bala

Sudah banyak tempat kita mengabaikan tuntutan Al Quran. Bermula dari dlm diri, keluarga, masyarakat dan bernegara. Soal agama kita main lebih kurang sahaja. Kita tidak bersungguh2 berkunjung ke majlis2 kuliah dan ceramah agama. Kita terus menyorong motor buruk yg minyaknya kita isi sikit2 masa di sekolah rendah dulu. Minyak yg sudah lama habis tidak kita tambah . Motor yg berserabai dgn tayar yg sudah terkeluar dari rim terhuyung-hayang kita sorong dgn penumpang yg makin bertambah. Ilmu kita masih ditahap lama di dlm dunia yg makin mencabar. Hasilnya kita menjadi jahiliah moden.

Kita tidak rasa apa2 bila berpakaian ketat dan tidak menepati Islam. Kita tidak rasa apa2 bila jarang menjengah masjid. Kita tidak rasa apa2 bila parti yg kita pangkah bersekongkol menyiarkan program2 maksiat di kaca TV. Kita tidak rasa apa2 bila pemerintah tidak serius menangani kes2 bunuh, buang bayi dan murtad. Dan kemuncaknya kita tidak rasa apa2 bila parti yg kita pangkah mengatakan Undang2 Islam sudah tidak sesuai lagi zaman ini.

Jenayah rompak, rogol dan bunuh berlaku setiap saat. Tanpa Rahmat dari Allah, buatlah sekeras mana sekali pun undang2 pasti akan gagal selagi tidak kembali kpd Undang2 Al Quran.

Warta 365

Untungnya rakyat Terengganu yang berpemimpinkan UMNO-BN. Berbahagialahlah agaknya orang yang berMBkan Datuk Ahmad Said.

Tentu orang UMNO sujud syukur kerana UMNO memerintah Terengganu. Mereka berjaya menyingkirkan kepimpinan ulama.

Golongan yang dikatakan menyeleweng agama. Mat Said dok ceramah ke pelusuk Terengganu kini bahawa Pas Parti ajaran sesat.

Pas dianggap sesat kerana mengharamkan premis judi daripada mendapat lessen dari Majlis Perbandarana dan daerah daripada beroperasi meskipun mereka mempunyai lessen yang diluluskan oleh kementerian Kewangan UMNO. Pas dikatakan sesat kerana meluluskan undang-undang tubuh Terengganu dengan berlandaskan al-Quran, Sunnah, Ijma' & Qias. Pas dikatakan sesat kerana meluluskan rang enakmen hudud, Qisas & Ta'zir???

Kini rakyat Terengganu bergembira dengan UMNO yang berjuang Islam. Membawa masuk kembali hiburan Jom Heboh tanpa sekatan. Dan yang terbaru kenyataan Exco Terengganu bahawa Judi telah dihalalkan?

Tentu sujud syukur pengundi UMNO Terengganu. Mereka baru boleh berjudi sebagaimana negeri-negeri dibawah pemerintahan UMNO yang lain. Taklah ditegah macam negeri Kelantan. Ketiadaan premis judi menyebabkan kurangnya keuntungan Vinsent Tan dan Ananda Krisnan. Tiadanya sumbangan untuk pilihanraya UMNO nanti.

Mana dia Exco agama Terengganu? Mana dia penasihat agama MB Mat Said, cikgu matematik yang jadi ustaz, Kamal Saidin hulubaya UMNO-BN? Bergembiralah Tok-tok Imam & Bilal di Terengganu… itu tanda dan mukaddimah bahawa kedai judi akan mula beroperasi kembali di Terengganu. Tahniah UMNO-BN. Tahniah Rakyat Terengganu, sebagai tanda syukur selepas letih bersalawat, berarak sempena maulud nabi baru-baru ni.. Judi dihalalkan? berbahgialah mereka bersama UMNO?

Pemimpin yang durhaka kepada Rabbnya (Tuhannya) dan bertindak zalim kepada rakyatnya menjadi sebab dihancurannya suatu negeri. Allah Ta'ala berfirman ;

وَإِذَا أَرَدْنَا أَنْ نُهْلِكَ قَرْيَةً أَمَرْنَا مُتْرَفِيهَا فَفَسَقُوا فِيهَا فَحَقَّ عَلَيْهَا الْقَوْلُ فَدَمَّرْنَاهَا تَدْمِيرًا

"Dan jika Kami hendak membinasakan suatu negeri, maka Kami perintahkan kepada orang-orang yang hidup mewah di negeri itu (supaya menaati Allah) tetapi mereka melakukan kedurhakaan dalam negeri itu, maka sudah sepantasnya berlaku terhadapnya perkataan (ketentuan Kami), kemudian Kami hancurkan negeri itu sehancur-hancurnya." (QS. Al-Isra': 16)


Debris of damaged houses and others float in the waters off Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture (State) Saturday, March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

Local residents stranded in a building are helped to evacuate to a safer place at Kesennuma, northeastern Japan, on Saturday March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

People look at the severely damaged road scattered with debris at Miyako, northeastern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

A woman carries belongings she collected from a house swept by a tsunami at Rikuzentakada, northeastern Japan, on Saturday March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

Pedestrians stand next to collapsed houses after being hit by a tsunami in Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture on March 12, 2011. More than 1,000 people were feared dead and authorities warned a meltdown may be under way at a nuclear plant Saturday after a monster tsunami devastated a swathe of northeast Japan.

Resident amke their way through rubble at Kesennnuma, northeastern Japan, on Saturday March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

A Japan's Air Defense Force helicopter lands on a ground next to a totally damaged building in Minamisanrikucho in Miyagi Prefecture (State) Saturday, March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

Firefighting ships water over burning oil refinery tanks in Ichihara in Chiba Prefecture (State), east of Tokyo, Saturday, March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

Smoke rises over an area in flood in Sendai, northern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011. Japan launched a massive military rescue operation Saturday after a giant, quake-fed tsunami killed hundreds of people and turned the northeastern coast into a swampy wasteland, while authorities braced for a possible meltdown at a nuclear reactor.

Vehicles and debris get washed away and the ground flooded in Sendai, northern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011. Japan launched a massive military rescue operation Saturday after a giant, quake-fed tsunami killed hundreds of people and turned the northeastern coast into a swampy wasteland, while authorities braced for a possible meltdown at a nuclear reactor.

Residential houses, buildings and boats get washed away by floods at a port in Sendai, northern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011. Japan launched a massive military rescue operation Saturday after a giant, quake-fed tsunami killed hundreds of people and turned the northeastern coast into a swampy wasteland, while authorities braced for a possible meltdown at a nuclear reactor.

Part of a town gets flooded in Sendai, northern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011. Japan launched a massive military rescue operation Saturday after a giant, quake-fed tsunami killed hundreds of people and turned the northeastern coast into a swampy wasteland, while authorities braced for a possible meltdown at a nuclear reactor.

A residential area remains in flood in Sendai, northern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011. Japan launched a massive military rescue operation Saturday after a giant, quake-fed tsunami killed hundreds of people and turned the northeastern coast into a swampy wasteland, while authorities braced for a possible meltdown at a nuclear reactor.

Vehicles, including an ambulance car, and collapsed buildings are swept out by  Smokes rise from burning residence in Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture, Saturday, March 12, 2011, a day after a strong earthquake-triggered devastating tsunami hit Japan's east coast.

A train sits derailed in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi prefecture, Saturday, March 12, 2011 a day after one of Japan's strongest earthquakes ever recorded hit the country's east coast.

Vehicles are piled up in Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture, Saturday, March 12, 2011, a day after a strong earthquake-triggered devastating tsunami hit Japan's east coast.

An aerial view show the devastated Kesennuma city in Miyagi prefecture on March 12, 2011. More than 1,000 people were feared dead after a monster tsunami unleashed by a massive quake which wreaked destruction across northeast Japan and triggered an emergency at a nuclear power plant.

An aerial view shows tsunami damage and flooding in Natori city, Miyagi prefecture on March 12, 2011. More than 1,000 people were feared dead after a monster tsunami unleashed by a massive quake which wreaked destruction across northeast Japan and triggered an emergency at a nuclear power plant.

Cars of a train lie overturned in Shinchi town, Fukushima prefecture, Saturday, March 12, 2011 after being washed away by an earthquake-triggered tsunami. The powerful tsunami created by one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded swept away Japan's east coast Friday.

Cars of a train lie overturned in Shinchi town, Fukushima prefecture, Saturday, March 12, 2011 after being washed away by an earthquake-triggered tsunami. The powerful tsunami created by one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded swept away Japan's east coast Friday.

Rescue volunteers look for victims in debris in the town of Soma in Fukushima Prefecture on March 12, 2011 a day after an 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami hit the region. Japan warned on March 12 that one of its nuclear plants may be in meltdown after the record quake and tsunami wiped out a swathe of the northeast, leaving more than 1,000 people feared dead.

Smoke hovers over the city of Kesennnuma, northeastern Japan, on Saturday March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

Japanese soldiers make their way atop a wall to get around vehicles swept by a tsunami at Kesennnuma, northeastern Japan, on Saturday March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

A man makes his way on a bicycle through rubble-scattered streets at Miyako, northeastern Japan, on Saturday March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

A man snaps a picture of the aftermath of tsunami following Friday's massive tsunami triggered by a powerful earthquake in Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011.

Japanese military helicopter sits among debris at Matsushima air base of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, northeastern Japan, on Saturday, March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

An elder couple looks at a collapsed house damage after being hit by a tsunami in Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture on March 12, 2011. More than 1,000 people were feared dead and authorities warned a meltdown may be under way at a nuclear plant Saturday after a monster tsunami devastated a swathe of northeast Japan.

A Japanese military plane has its nose struck in a building at Matsushima air base of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, northeastern Japan, on Saturday, March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

Vessels burn at the Bay of Kesennuma in Kesennuma, northeastern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011, one day after an 8.9-magnitude quake and the tsunami it spawned hit the country's northeastern coast.

A vessel and debris surge between displaced houses in Minamisanrikucho, northeastern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011, one day after an 8.9-magnitude quake and the tsunami it spawned hit the country's northeastern coast.

A firefighter looks at burned-out vehicles at Hitachi port, northeastern Japan, on Saturday March 12, 2011, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.

A car leans against a wire from an electric pole in Miyako, northeastern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011, one day after an 8.9-magnitude quake and the tsunami it spawned hit the country's northeastern coast.

Electric poles stand tilted near a port in Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture (state) one day after a massive Tsunami triggered by a huge earthquake hit northern Japan Saturday, March 12, 2011.

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